journey reports

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Dear Internet Family and Friends,

God bless you! We pray that you are full of the grace, peace, and rest of God!

By God’s grace, I have just returned from Singapore and Indonesia! For months, I had been burdened by the difficulties that faced the people in this region. I believe that the memory of this trip will forever affect my life!

There is always such irony in a trip like this – you go to allow God to work through you to make an impact on the people’s lives, yet the impact of God working in you on your own life is incredible! God truly went ahead of me and paved the way for a beautiful and glorious witness in these countries! When God calls us on a mission, it never ceases to amaze me to see how He brings His will to pass. Though I had not set anything up for this trip, I was greeted at 2:00 in the morning in the Singapore airport by a godly pastor who quickly became a dear friend. I had the special privilege of speaking in his church and some other churches that he helped set up.

I didn’t know what would happen in the streets, though. Many had warned me that I might not be able to carry the cross. Some said I would need special permission to walk with the cross in Singapore, but God went ahead of me and made His way glorious! The welcome was unbelievable! I was able to carry the cross without any problem on the streets of Singapore. I was greeted with smiles, waves and happiness! I had the beautiful privilege of speaking with Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and Christians. So many wanted to talk and to pray! Many wanted to carry the cross with me. Often, crowds would walk with me, taking turns carrying the cross! God bless Singapore! They are truly open to the cross and the message of God’s love!

Finally, Indonesia! By God’s mercy and grace, I had the wonderful privilege of carrying the cross in this country of beauty and diversity. From dense jungles to modern cities on thousands of islands, Indonesia is the world’s largest Islamic nation, and the fourth most populous nation in the world. Presently there is protesting, rioting, unrest, and civil war in different parts of the country.

Having said all this, the cross walk was lovely with no problems! From the first day until the last, God poured out His glory and beauty as the cross was carried through the streets and along the roadsides! The people were so kind and welcoming. I was given food, drink and a place to sleep each night. Such hospitality!

I was amazed at the love and response to the cross. I had the privilege of speaking and praying with many people. At times, crowds of people surrounded me. They were so open and hungry! So many of these would greet me with tears of thankfulness, then listen attentively and cry again as they gave their lives to Jesus. The world is open! There is a way – all glory to God!!

I prayed with many who wanted to know the hope that is only found in Jesus. Only God knows what really happened in the hearts of the people along the way. In a place like this, the people truly have to count the cost before they choose to follow Jesus. What a glorious privilege to carry the cross! Please pray for the believers in Indonesia as they face many difficulties.

What’s next? Please just pray! With God’s help I will be leaving just after the New Year to carry the cross in a place of great need and difficulty. Our desire has never been to be a missionary, evangelist, or preacher. With God’s help we just want to be simple, humble followers of Jesus. We want to love God and love people. We feel that God has called us to take the cross to the streets and roadsides of this world. When He says, “Go!”, we want to go. When He says, “Stop!” we want to stop. By God’s grace, this is what we will continue to do. As Jesus leads, we will walk on with the cross and the wonderful, but simple message of God’s love for all people to the nations.

God Bless You!!
Philippians 3:10