Thanks so much for taking the time to visit us here on our website. One of our greatest joys in carrying the cross has been meeting some of the most wonderful people in the world. It has truly been a glorious privilege to love, serve, adore, and follow Jesus together with people like you. That privilege has simply grown as we’ve had the opportunity to see His face, hear His voice, and feel His touch through friends like you.
We realize that we cannot take a single step apart from the grace and mercy of God...and apart from our family and friends’ prayers and generous gifts. We invite you to be a financial pilgrim and go together with us as we go to the nations of this world with the cross and the Good News of peace, hope, and God’s love for all people. We are incorporated as a 501c3 nonprofit organization (this means that all gifts and donations are tax deductible) with an active Board of Directors.
It would be a blessing and honor to have you join us! We’ve tried to make it easy...there are three ways that you can give — online, text-to-give, or by check.
Thanks SO much!
God bless you!!
The Wheelers
Give one-time or recurring gifts securely from your computer.
Checks made payable to:
Keith Wheeler Ministries
PO Box 702706
Tulsa, OK 74170
If you live outside the USA, you can make a gift here through PayPal.