Heart Update -- guess what I got to do?!
Guess what I was able to do for the first time in a while?! With God’s help, I’m slowly getting better – one day at a time...one heartbeat at a time. By the grace of God, I’ve graduated from my Cardio rehab sessions and classes. It was only a short distance, but this week, it was really special to put the cross on my shoulder and to actually walk a few miles.
I want to be clear – walking with the cross is not who I am. It never has been, and, God forbid, it never will be. It’s not my identity. My identity has never been, “Keith Wheeler – the guy who carries a cross”. No! I’m a simple adorer and follower of Jesus who has been invited to walk with Jesus and carry a wooden cross as I walk together with Him.
However, it is my calling. And, though many well-meaning friends have told me that this is a “new season” in my life, or that things will “look differently, now”... I just don’t see it. In the Bible, I don’t see God encouraging His followers to change direction because something is hard, or challenging. I don’t see Him asking us to REACT to our circumstances, but only RESPOND to His Spirit! To trust. To surrender.
I’ve not been in a rush to “get back out there”. Truthfully, this has been a really sweet and special season. My goal has never been to “make a big splash for Jesus”. Instead, my goal has been to wipe away the tears from His eyes, put a smile on His beautiful face and bring joy to His precious heart! I only want to obey! I’ve not been called to “show up” in a city and make the “greatest impact possible” ... instead, He has given me the invitation to walk together with Him and watch Him touch, bless, heal, save, and transform lives along the way! That means I get to walk between cities, between towns, and between villages – down dusty roads, across deserts and through jungles. Sometimes, that means that there is no one to speak to for days...except Him! And that’s much more than enough! There is no greater joy and privilege! That’s how this heart journey has been...a journey “in-between” – with Him! And that’s been way more than enough!
And now, with God’s grace I’ve started walking short distances (per doctor’s permission) with the wood on my shoulder. But nothing has changed...I still have the privilege of walking together with Jesus! He’s so very worthy and more than enough!
Thanks for praying! Thanks for walking together with us!
God bless you!