Snow Day -- Like a Child!
This past week, we had a Snow Day! I absolutely loved it! First of all, we don’t get much snow here where we live. Secondly, it’s so beautiful! So calming. So still. The world slows down and things become quiet. Not only is snow beautiful, peaceful and quiet, it’s cleansing. It covers the blemishes and scars on the ground, making everything new. The Bible reminds us that even though our sins are like scarlet, at the cross they shall be made white as snow.
Another awesome thing about snow is that it makes the landscape a special wonderland. If we allow it, it can bring out the child in us. What a great reminder of Jesus’ invitation. He, not only invites us to become like children, He tells us that we cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven UNLESS we become like a child. Please note – Jesus does NOT tell us to become childISH. No tantrums and fits. He gives us an invitation to become childLIKE. Pure. Trusting. Unblemished by the cares of this world. And fearless as we look into the eyes of our Father.
How did we get here? Rushed. Irritable. Fearful. Angry. Critical. Impatient. No longer a child with “everywhere to go and anything is possible”, to “all grown up and nowhere to go, and nothing is possible”, anymore. Whatever happened to the dreams that we dreamed when we were ten years old? Where did we leave our joy behind? When did we stop imagining? Who made the rule that peer pressure and conforming to society’s expectations should take the place of losing the uniqueness of being the one and only “you”?
Somehow, worry, stress and anxiety have paralyzed us and crushed our belief that nothing is impossible. Fear has frozen us of a childlike trust and dependence. Our sense of adventure has been surrendered to “sensibility” "Busyness”, schedules and the “tyranny of the urgent” have hijacked our ability, or even desire, to play. Routine and monotony have robbed us of awe and wonder. Suspicion, criticism and judgement have taken the place of kindness and compassion. And fatigue has exhausted us from truly loving and sharing from the heart.
Even in the “Christian” world, we have focused on accumulating knowledge and information. Somehow, we have left behind the beauty of dreaming and playing. Somewhere, we have lost the innocence and wonder of children and, instead, replaced it with "maturity". We are told to grow up. As a result, we have become boring and predictable “grown-ups” unlike a child.
The exhilaration of snow “wakes” us up! It’s fresh. It’s new. It covers and it cleanses. Just as the prophet Isaiah said, “...though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be white as snow.” Let’s come back to the cross. Like snow, may His precious blood cover our lives and wash and make us new again. Let’s return to Jesus. Let’s look into His beautiful eyes and be changed into His image. Let’s become like a child.
We are humbled and honored that you choose to walk together with us. God bless you!!