Dear Internet Family and Friends,
God bless you! We pray that you are full of the grace, peace, and rest of God! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your prayers!!
Though I have carried the cross in many, many nations I have never had the privilege of walking in India. I have many, many friends in India and have had invitations to visit there. I have passed through different airports in India and have carried the cross in nearly all the nations surrounding India. It has been a desire in my heart, but I have never yet felt God’s direction to walk there. I felt so honored and humbled that God gave me this privilege! God was so good and faithful! We were so privileged to be a small part of what God is doing here! There is almost too much to tell!
India was exotic, wonderful and glorious!! I had the privilege of walking with my two WONDERFUL Indian friends, Stanley and Vasanth (who took turns doing an incredible job of translating!). We began carrying the cross in Kanyakumari, (formerly known as Cape Comorin). It is the southernmost tip of India where the Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea come together. From there, we walked north up into the state of Kerala. It was AMAZING!!! So many people wanted prayer!! Many, many wanted to give their lives to Jesus! People would often tell us how they were looking for peace; or hope! A couple of times, people would just stand there staring at the cross and then burst into tears as we would share with them about God’s love and how He wants to forgive us and have a relationship with us and give us eternal life. It was awesome!
Though I often pray for people to be healed, I don’t normally see a lot of miracles. On this trip, however, there were quite a few really dramatic physical miracles! It was amazing!! People were constantly offering me food and drink. They kept hanging garlands of cloth and of flowers around my neck. Oh, the love of the precious Indian people!!! Many even would wait and wait for my autograph. Also, you can’t imagine how they would wait for me to pray for them. These weren’t just Christians – Hindus AND Muslims!! We had walked less than five minutes when a leading, national television station interviewed us. Along the way other television stations interviewed us, as well. The story was also carried in some of the leading newspapers!! Thanks, thanks, thanks for your prayers!! We couldn’t have done it without you praying!
Oh, what a privilege to love and follow Jesus!!! We felt so humbled and blessed to be a small part of what Jesus is doing here in this part of the world. It really felt like we were part of a genuine awakening!
Thank you so much for going to the nations with us through your prayers and tears and gifts. We feel so honored to walk this walk together with you!
God Bless You!!
Philippians 3:10