Thailand – blessings, beauty & brokenhearted
For me, there is no greater joy than walking together with Jesus along the path that He has invited me to walk. I can’t even begin to put into words the gratitude I have that He has restored my heart and my health to a place that I can walk, once again, and share His amazing message of love, salvation and hope with a world that is waiting.
What a privilege to feel the weight of the wood of the cross bearing down on my shoulders, the sun burning my face, the sweat stinging my eyes as I take each step together with Him. Then, to have my heart break and tears run down my cheeks as I look into the eyes of the ones that He loves so much and that He longs to see come home. To see their pain. Their loneliness. Their confusion. Their fears. Their lostness. I’m overwhelmed that He has given me the honor of sharing His heart.
To laugh and play with little children. To push an old lady down a bumpy path in her rickety wheelchair. To cut grass, or throw a fishing net. To carry the cross along the sea, or down a busy, downtown boulevard. And to hold hands and bow our hearts as we invite Jesus to come and fill an empty heart.
This truly is the front-row, center-stage of watching Jesus do what He does best. He brings hope. He restores. He gives peace. He laughs. He weeps. He loves. He offers salvation. He heals. He changes lives forever. True joy! True riches!
Please continue to pray that our God will make a way for her to travel full time together with me. It’s our dream. We are thankful that she is able to go some of the time, but it’s so much better when we’re together.
Thanks, again, for joining us on the journey with Jesus and the cross. It was such a blessing to be back on the road in Thailand. Truly wonderful. God bless you! I pray that you enjoy the video (just click the link).
God bless you!